Month: October 2010

  • only hours left

    well what a weekend so far. We drove to Moncton last  night through that crazy wind/rain storm. it was a long long trip. we were so relieved to get there and get settled. they upgraded us to the signature club suite which meant free assess to the lounge; oh americano’s here we come!!!.so this morning…

  • updates on Thanksgiving, running and scrapping

    As I had told you all previously we were hosting Thanksgiving at our home this year and it went off without a hitch!! BUT I have to admit it was a close call there for a couple of minutes. First off i had originally planned dinner for just four of us and then I thought…

  • 10 on 10 on 10

    What a day huh! the 10th day of the 10th month in the year 2010. This is going to be a very special day with lots of happenings i am sure. I am even having 10 guests today! take lots of pics today folks!!! document today! So let’s get started. First off i just posted…

  • updates

    WOW my second post in one day. i am having my mother in law over for a few days (that is a good thing! she is a good mother in law) and so i need to clean up my crafty space and i thought i would up date you to what it looks like. i…

  • so exciting!!!

    Well people’s I have not yet come down from my high of meeting THE Tim Holtz!!! I am flying high up on the white spun sugar clouds!!! i have decided to make yet another leap in my lovely little life but can’t quite share with you until well, until i am all set to go! For…

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