She – Party

A PILE OF SCRAP! has turned THREE this year!

A huge congratulations to Alissa!!!

Now I have only know them for 2 and a bit years but i have made myself a few really fun friends and a whole bunch of acquaintances who i love playing with on the forum. it is a fantastic place to visit and knowing that if it isn’t in the store when you want it it will be ordered for you! She is the bestest dealer ever!!!

So in honor of the birthday party i thought i would make a She. I love her a lot.. but yes i know i love them all a lot don’t I!!!! This day was a special day as i was asked if i would attend and do some make and takes along with Megan who demo’d Ephiphany products!! hence where the ‘it was a party and She was invited’ came from!!!

it was a fantastical day and i got to play with a lot of the people i don’t get to see in real person very often!!!

I can’t wait til next year!!!

ti next time…







One response to “She – Party”

  1. Alissa Avatar

    xox woohooo I love her!!!! Thank you my friend!!

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