Category: calendar pages

  • art journalling calendar-november

    now that month just freakin flew by didn’t it. my ‘elders’ were sure right when they said the older you get the faster time passes. i wonder why. i really truly think my nanny was right when she said it is because we forget half of what happens… she doesn’t i know that. she is…

  • art journalling calendar – October

    here comes the crisp clear starry nights and the ghouls and goblins season!! i completed my October page early this month and have even moved onto ideas for November!! l can’t believe i have completed 9 months of this and am so hoping for many more to come!! so let’s get started on my page…

  • art journalling calendar – September

    i can hardly believe i have been doing this for 8 months going into the 9th and every day so far i have written a small note in each day. i love looking back and seeing what has happened … some days not so much … but still it has been one heck of a…

  • art journalling calendar – August

    i can’t believe we are in to the month of August. where did the summer go??? it seems we spent more time inside out of the rain then outside enjoying the sun and the pool. i am truly not complaining because i know how important the rain is but… so this month is one of my…

  • art journalling calendar – July

    i can’t believe it…it is July 1st! where oh where has the time gone! this year is flying by isn’t it. here we have had nothing but rain the last three weeks.. well all spring i’d say. we had one beautiful week in may and then boom here is july knocking and still blah weather.…

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