Category: calendar pages

  • art journalling calendar – June

    okay so june is quickly coming and i so need to get my calendar page posted… just a quick post today. on my page i used the Ranger summer colours palette.. my all time favorite i think! and an old piece of riff raff i had laying in my drawer. i am suppose to be…

  • April calendar page

    i so love a challenge and a challenge i did take as you may know i teach a journalling class once a month and the ladies there had wanted to take the time to do their own calendar page each month (we totally forgot to do this one on Saturday!) we were so caught up…

  • art journalling calendar – march

    march is such a fun month.. still enough snow to ski, warmer weather to attempt us to switch to a spring jacket, birds returning from the south.. and to top it off shamrock season.. and what better way to pay tribute to a fun month then a fun calendar page!! once again, lots and lots…

  • art journalling calendar – february

    when in art journalling class in january the ladies there took a boo at my january calendar page and decided going forward each month we would do a calendar. so in january’s class we created a february page (a few students did go back and create their january’s and some eager beavers even created their…

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