Category: Classes

  • APOS! apron class

    What a wonderful night we had tonight. it was a small class but allowed me to play a bit more with everyone. i can’t post a picture of the final project because we are doing another class on Tuesday of next week but here is a picture of our hands from tonight. Can you guess…

  • Heidi Swapp – Fastenation Folder Class

       Well this happened to be a  very VERY busy evening for the lovely ladies who joined me in the Glimmer mist album class featuring the Heidi Swapp Fastenation Folder and inserts. We sort of ran out of time so i told them i would post pics of my finished album for them to…

  • Fastenation Folder Class

    i am so addicted to glimmermist right now it isn’t funny. This is the front cover of the Fastenation Folder we put together on Tuesday night during the class. it was a wonderful class 9 wonderful women (though some were quite demanding and they know who they are!) LOL i am currently working on two…

  • Clock Class

    So tonight i spent the evening with a great group of ladies. I taught my first class in a long long time. I used a lot of techniques, all Tim’s of course!!! I love watching everyone do their own thing. I am so hoping everyone takes a moment to share their masterpieces on the forum…

  • i am teaching!!!

    i am so pleased to let you all know that i will be teaching a class in December. it is going to be a clock class and here is a sneak peak… it is going to be a fun class with lots of different techniques such as embossing and inking and we will be using…

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