Category: Layouts

  • what a day

    here are my last two layouts from days 8 and 9 of LOAD.. only have a few more days left this first one is us taken on Canada Day this year and the second on is a picture of my father in law and his wife. it is going to be the first page of…

  • My big day

    it may not seem like it to most people but today was a huge day for me. i am officially signed up to do the FULL marathon on October 17th.. my name is on the list, in print, black and white… i had such anxiety over this you wouldn’t believe. They say the training is…

  • Day 6 of LOAD

    So tonight the challenge was to make our own flowers. i just happened to send myself a set of instructions back in February of some flowers i wanted to try so today was the perfect chance to do so. i decided to make some fringe flowers and to accompany it nothing short of simple beauty..…

  • LOAD days 2 to 5

    As always it seems life goes a little too fast for me to get everything done in a day. i have been busy working additional hours, still training for the marathon, cooking meals, house chores and scrapping of course. So i am doing just a quick entry tonight in order to share my layouts with…

  • LOAD day one at APOS

    Once again I am participating in a Lay Out A Day (LOAD) challenge through my LLS . Today’s instruction was to post a pic that made you giggle. i am not sure that i actually giggle but definitely laugh at my hair and glasses. but really how could i not scrap a pic of…

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