Ezee Pzee reveal

I so can’t believe that yet another month has come and gone.. where oh where did May go!!

so i am here today to post about the wonderful products sent to us from Kathy over at EZEE PZEE. Kathy had asked each of us to create a canvas. I once again totally forgot to take a before picture but if you jump on over to Dana’s blog you can see that i ‘borrowed’ her picture of the before (be sure to scroll down and check out her fantastic reveal as well!)
So here it goes.. the before

So when it came time to start working on my Ezee Pzee reveal i was so into doing the She Art Workshop that it was a simple transition into creating a canvas for my Ezee Pzee project.

So I started with the background. It was totally done using Claudine Hellmuth Paints as well as a couple of Tattered Angels Glimmerscreens. Two wonderful products i must say!

next i took a mixture of the Black paint and Raven glimmermist and painted the frames. Once dry i used some old foam inserts from packaging and glued them to the back of two frames in order to have them stand out from the canvas.

Then it was time to colour the butterflies and the birdcage. i used Adirondack Paint Dabber in silver. i love how when you dab any of their metallic paints on to things they take on, as Tim would say, a foamy appearance ( I like to say fluffy!) Once they were dry i attached wires to the butterflies for antennas.

i wondered to myself “just what do you want the finished product to be’. Well self decided it needed to be a special project to hang in my craft room. Should i make it a She.. make a bunch of little She’s and put them into the frames… or should i make it into something different.

Well i couldn’t decided for sure so then whilst still thinking about it i decided to move onto the birds. I used basic acrylic paints mixed once again with glimmer to paint it into a Robin. I love a Robin… they remind me of my mom. Every time i see one i am reminded just how much i love and miss her each day and how important it is for us to cherish each moment in time we have cause as we all know once it is gone it is gone.

So then it hit me exactly what i wanted this to be.


a close up of the uncaged Robin

the beautiful butterfy

the finished product

and my wall it hangs on

So it is a clock and photo collage frame all in one! the frames are made to allow me to change out the photo’s when ever i want. For now, as you can see, the photo’s are of me and my ‘BFF” Mario!! (i adore him!!!). I had the opportunity as you all know to meet him and Tim in 2010 as well as take a class with Tim and Mario in 2011 in Edmonton. i will eventually change him out for other pics but for now i love looking at it and the reminder of what a lucky girl i am!

til next time…







5 responses to “Ezee Pzee reveal”

  1. Tammy Avatar

    Oh beautiful Diana! I love your wall!

  2. Dana Avatar

    I love that you made your canvas into a clock – and you’re right, the butterflies DO look fluffy! I may need to ‘borrow’ that idea. 🙂 Great job!

  3. Alissa Avatar

    awww your BFF I love love love it!!!!

  4. kathy Avatar

    Your BFF will love this! What a time for a power failure half way through this reveal! It is amazing. I love the clock idea and of course the colors….but that bird bustin’ out of the cage just makes me smile!! The butterfly idea is cool too. The whole wall is outstanding!

  5. Meg Avatar

    Looks good! I love what you did with the cage!

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