Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • wishes and dragonflies

    wishes and dragonflies

    hello everyone!! today I am here to share with you a quick little project I made as a gift for someone special using just a few items Please note that although i have received some of the products used to create this project from some great companies, the opinions I share are solely my own. so…

  • Mixed Media Monthly Challenge #44 – mid month posting!!

    Mixed Media Monthly Challenge #44 – mid month posting!!

    hello everyone!! It’s mid-month inspiration time over at Mixed Media Monthly. Our theme this month is ‘Ring in the New’ and  remember you still have time to enter! and here is my project.. i have done two pages to share with you these pages are part of my ‘new’ journal and a ‘new’ year of…

  • TCW – looking forward

    TCW – looking forward

    hello everyone! today I am sharing with you a quick art journal page I created using an old ‘mop up’ page.  these are the best jump starts to any pages. I have  so many… what is  a mop up page….well basically any time I create anything instead of cleaning up my stencils in water I first…

  • Eileen Hull Designs – Embrace the detours

    Eileen Hull Designs – Embrace the detours

    hello everyone!! today i am here to share with you a special little journal i created for a special couple that i was privileged enough to witness their wedding late 2017. I have been provided  with some product to create this project however the opinions I share are solely my own i didn’t do any…

  • Mixed Media Monthly Challenge #44

    Mixed Media Monthly Challenge #44

    hello everyone!! holy moly… January 1st, 2018…. where did 2017 go!! today i am here to share with you  quick project i create, or rather a project i created quickly as i was away for work the last little while so my studio time has been nil!! so this month our challenge is – Ring…

Got any book recommendations?

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