Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Eileen Hull’s  re-releases!!!

    Eileen Hull’s re-releases!!!

    hello everyone and a huge and wonderful Happy New Year wish to you all!! i want to welcome you all to our monthly post for Eileen Hull’s Art With Heart Challenge. This month the design team are focusing on Eileen Hull’s re-releases for 2016; there are 6 of them and this week it is all…

  • TTT – December 2015

    TTT – December 2015

    hello everyone!!!! oh my, the end of 2015 is so close!! today as i write up this posting, the fireplace is on, the tree and mantle are lit up, the cats are all snuggled up in their spots, there is a beautiful light (though quickly accumulating) snowfall outside and we are spending one of our last days…

  • Christmas cards 2015

    Christmas cards 2015

    hello everyone! i hope you are all taking some quiet moments for yourselves during the hustle and bustle of the season. i am here today just to share with you a few cards i created to give away this year. if you know me you know i don’t do cards but i am thinking after…

  • Favourite Things ATB

    hello everyone!! isn’t it hard to believe Christmas is only a couple days away!! where oh where has this year gone!! The theme for the December Art with Heart Challenge is “Favorite Things“. well who doesn’t hear Julie Andrews singing in the Sound of Music every time ‘these are a few of my favourite things’…

  • happy holidays

    happy holidays

    hello everyone!! can you believe that it is almost Christmas!! this year has flown by. it’s been a year with so many things happening .. both good and bad. today I am here to share with you a fun little project I created for the Emerald Creek Dares challenge! this month was all about wishing you all…

Got any book recommendations?

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