TTT – March 2015

here is my final submission for this months twelve tags of 2015. this month’s tag combines some great techniques which you can find on Tim’s blog HERE.  one of my favourite things was the line in his write up ‘encourage your creative mind to wander and play’..  i think we, or at least i, forget to do that.. just play….

so here it is in all its shininess (is that even a word??)… regardless LOVE my new embossing powder and this technique

TTT March 2015did i say how much i love this technique

IMG_8323IMG_8324thanks for stopping by!!!! hope you have had a chance this month to let your creative mind wander and played for even a little bit!







One response to “TTT – March 2015”

  1. Anita Houston Avatar

    Love your take…great colors, and love the rays and seahorse!

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