Art Journalling – freedom

okay.. does that title sound familiar to anyone!! okay maybe not that exact title but it will give you a hint of something fantabulous!!!!(yes i know that isn’t really a word but i like it!)

my page today is all about this!!!

a must have in your collection!!
a must have in your collection!!

i was so very fortunate during CHA this year to observe Dina Wakley creating and was so into the moment forgot to take a picture! when she was done she was doing a book signing and hello!! i managed to score myself a signed copy of this book and oh how happy i was!

so let’s talk about the book. i have lots and lots of books, yes i know hard to believe. but i do have to say this is one of my favorites for sure. Not only is it beautifully illustrated with some fantastic pieces it is practical, educational and whimsical all rolled into one. Dina takes the time to explain things and the why’s.  she talks about everything from the tools and materials that she uses to the rules of why, the power of colour and the putting it all together in the end.

now don’t think i have read every single word yet.. heck probably haven’t even seen every page yet BUT i have full confidence that this will be one of those books that will for sure show signs of wear and tear over the coming months!

okay.. now i am done gushing about the book but truly mean every word i have written (no i am not a paid reviewer but a huge huge fan!) so this is what i did with page 4 of her book:

Bird Song
Bird Song

you will see the similarities if you know her piece ‘Birdy’. i love that piece and on page 96 of her book she says if one doesn’t know how to draw don’t fret, you can trace a basic outline and go from there! (or something like that.. i am not quoting word for word!) well i loved her Birdy so i traced hers and coloured mine! chapter 6 is all about colour basics. so i chose my primary colour plus two tertiary colours and there is my colour scheme.

sorry all this is truly the longest ‘why’ write up i have ever done but sincerely excited buy not only the creating a piece but learning the reasons behind what works and what doesn’t!

i have stared a couple others which i will be sharing later on this week!








3 responses to “Art Journalling – freedom”

  1. Dina Avatar

    Aaaah, love it! Thanks so much for your kind endorsement, and your page is awesome!!

  2. Toni Avatar

    Wow…absolutely beautiful! I love it! I have never done art journaling before, but I hope mine will come out as amazing as yours!

  3. Marjie Kemper Avatar
    Marjie Kemper

    What a beauty! Just got my book but haven’t had time to do more than flip through it yet. Your bird page is fab!

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