She – Light

Oh my this She takes my breathe away! i am so in love with her.. everything about her!!!!
I am in love with the hat on her and the layers on her skirt.. oh and her boots!!! And a white picket fence.. oh and the two birds; well birds tend to mate for life What more can a She ask for then sunshine and roses, a loving home and a life mate really!!!
I am have so much fun taking Christy’s She Art class. If you get a chance I would so recommend taking it!

Now this She is from week two.. my final week starts this week. I watched a couple of video’s last night and will be attempting hopefully tonight to start a new She. I still have that one on the go from the NSD … i am almost finished but am waiting for just the right thing for her.

so til next time…








One response to “She – Light”

  1. Alissa Avatar

    Beautiful as usual darling!!!!

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