She – Possibilities

here is my latest She.

I had such a hard time coming up with a saying for her and thought of so very many but was too lazy to dig out my printer; it is buried amongst the rub ons and inks and paints and pens….

as i was making this girl i thought of so many possibilities for her. she could be a symbol of my first ever shopping trip to IKEA; the chandelier is beautiful but you need to see my ‘chandelier’ in my craft room .. it is perfect!!

i thought of the possibility she could be on the street corner (no not that way) standing under a lamp post and trying to decide which direction to go.

I also thought of the possibility of her running through a field of flowers and being free.

or maybe she is a great artist trying to decide what to paint next.

There were so very many possibilities for my She and i realized that they are endless.

perhaps i put too much thought into my She’s ….

til next time…








2 responses to “She – Possibilities”

  1. Cynthia Avatar

    I love that your She has so many possibilities!! She’s adorable, just standing there with many directions to go, trying to make her decision. Love that!

  2. Alissa Avatar

    She is stunning…I love her!!!

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