Month: December 2011

  • Tim’s 12 tags of Christmas – day 4

    i am lovin on this tag and mine so pales in comparison to Tim’s day 4 tag. stop on by his site to see all the magic he can do! here is my tag for today til next time… HAPPY SCRAPPING!!!

  • Tim’s 12 tags of Christmas – Day 3

    okay.. so i have a few reinkers…. 3 to be exact, green, red and brown.. so i thought i would try using what i had. you know what.. this technique was WAY harder than i thought it would be. here is my first attempt: umm.. back to reading Tim’s site to see what i did…

  • an envelope

    i am part of a secret pal swap and we are doing our reveal on Sunday. i have tried really hard all year to not do ‘my style’ of tags and cards so felt it was okay to go all out for the reveal. i took some paper, created an envelope, ran it through with…

  • Christmas cards

    thought is would take a moment and play catch up on a few cards i had made over the last little while including one i made tonight using alcohol ink. i happened upon the magazine Holiday Cards at A PILE OF SCRAP! and oh my.. i so am not a card maker but it contained…

  • Tim’s 12 tags of Christmas – Day 2

    so… day 2.. i slept in a little longer today then yesterday.. after all it is my last day of vacation but doesn’t mean i wasn’t as excited as yesterday!!! for today i didn’t have as many supplies as yesterday so i improvised. have you ever used the glassine paper yet!! oh my i love…

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