weekend updates

I had the most fabulous of weekends though i didn’t get much time to create.

i was able to meet one of the ‘forum girls’ in person on the weekend which is always nice; had a wonderful Thai dinner at our favorite restaurant (though we have to drive over 2 hours to get to it) and on Sunday was able to meet up with some close friends for a tour through Kings Landing. There is so very much to do there and like Alissa said would be a perfect spot to host say a SPARK EVENT hint hint

I finished up and sent out a cereal box swap with some friends over at my Ranger group, created some envelopes for an upcoming swap at my art for the creative mind group and see that big orange blinkie on the side.. i am preparing something special for that.

this is my last week off for a while as i have lots of classes and such coming up to prepare for over at A PILE OF SCRAP! between Megan and myself we have lots and lots lined up for all you crafty folks.

i will be teaching the following in October

LALA Lady class from 12-4:00pm on the 1st

Clock Class from 6-9:00pm on the 4th

Altered Apron class from 6-9:00pm on the 6th (this is a repeat from September class)

doing two free classes during APOS! Greenhill lake retreat October 14-16th

November will be just as busy but i am loving it!!!! I am doing a couple of classes in PEI… send me an email if you are on the Island the 2nd weekend of November and i can hook up with you!

and please watch  for the APOS! Inspiration Team Blog Hop scheduled to happen the 21st-23rd of October!

We have lots going on every week over at APOS! so check us out

til next time…






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