a pile of sketches

spent a bit of time today working on a layout from A Pile of Sketches. if you haven’t checked out this sketch site you really really should. Princesspea puts a lot of thought and work into creating some wonderful sketches to give us a boost of inspiration.

so this is the latest sketch that was posted this weekend for us:

and this is my take on it:

i am still committed to my word of the year ‘less’ and am using up scraps of paper that i have been saving for …. well exactly for what … for this of course! so i used up some Graphic45 papers, a couple of maya road chips which i have been hoarding and i dug out some tattered angels chipboard pieces i had received from my win from mandy a while back.

well i am heading off to the craft room to start gathering the supplies for this coming saturday’s journal class.

til next time…








3 responses to “a pile of sketches”

  1. vicki Avatar

    Great job! I love it!

  2. Marjie Kemper Avatar

    Fab page… LOVE the title and how you were able to use so many scraps. I don’t know that site, either… so thanks for mentioning it!

  3. Nat Kalbach Avatar

    love your take on the sketch- so fun with the icyicle on top.

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