art journal – when i get sad

yesterday seemed like a good day for the most part except for those few moments when i felt like screaming !!!

so last night was spent on figuring out what i wanted to do. i went for a run, i started to clean my art room, reorganizing or at least pretending to, when i came across a yellow sticky note that i had written a quote on

so setting aside the whole notion of cleaning/organizing; i had after all cleaned a spot just big enough for my art journal page to lay,  i began.

i am not big on doing step by step photos or even remembering what order i did what in but can give you a brief run down of what i did so you can continue reading or just skip to the end result!

i started off by layering a page with drywall tape which i had received from one of my reals and then i gesso’d the whole thing(really thin layer) and set it aside to dry. and yes i cleaned more while trying to decide what to use or what to do with this page.

remember back when i said my word of the year was less. i wanted to use more of what i already had and less buying more. well i have all the claudine hellmuth paints in a nice little basket which sits at my feet so up they came to the table and i dug out three colours, landscape green, dab of yellow and classic teal and began. once i was happy with that and i had dried it  i decided it needed a little something more so added some blank canvas across the top and tried to a bit of the whole drip look down the page. once that was dry i laid the dotted flower stencil on my page and sprayed with fresh lime the dots and then used bubblegum pink for the flowers. and then set it aside to dry.

while it was drying i went through a magazine and found all the words i needed for my quote and applied them with glue and seal. i love when i was using it for the ‘seal’ part i was able to press the words right into the mesh and it to me made it look like they are just floating there.

then it was time for a bit more of this and that and then now the final page:

thanks for stopping by

til next time…






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