i love to laugh

this is a quick catch up post

i had such a wonderful weekend of laughter and tears and craftiness and family and old friends and new friends….
a wonderful weekend which my soul knew it needed way more than i knew.

did i achieve a lot… no but loved being in the whole moments.




i had so much fun playing in all my journals. i did do more than just these few but wanted to share a bit as its been a while since i have been on.
i have to say though my main focus this weekend was creating tim’s Creative Chemistry 101 and 102 in the dylusions mini albums.. which reminds me i need another or two or three. i will for sure be posting a few of those pages as well but for now i need to move on to doing homework and studying….blah!!







One response to “i love to laugh”

  1. Amy* Avatar

    Looks like you had a wonderful, artful weekend. I agree being in a room filled with creative energy is oh so soothing to the soul…not to mention the inspiration that lingers long after you have left. Love your creative pages. The blackbird is my favorite and not just because its one of my favorite songs. I love the colors, how the lettering draws your eye to the center, and the fence love, love,love that fence!


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