one little word…

so most of us know and have heard of the wonderful creation of the One Little Word by Ali Edwards and so many of us have followed.. i include myself in this. sometimes it is so very hard to focus on that one little word for the year and so a couple of years ago i made a reminder for myself by have it stamped into a piece of jewellery by Krista at Suetables. last year my word, well i had made it but forgot about it.. this year i am so hoping that the word i have chosen stays with me throughout the year and also with you.
my word is


there are so many ways to look at that one word but i want to tell you how i came about choosing it.

you see a few days ago, on Facebook, my cousin reposted a status that she had read from one of her friends and it so spoke to me. it is so true every single word. i believe, know, that sometimes i forget the little things and big things and how i need each and every one of them to make me me, shape me, into I.

so here is my page, which i promise i will refer back to IF those moments creep up on me in 2014 which i am sure they will. and also the write up that i read/refer to above:
so here is to 2014.. to you and to me. i hope you have chosen your word and that you are looking forward to 2014 as much as i am







One response to “one little word…”

  1. JoAnn Avatar

    BEAUTIFUL….. like you <3 <3

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