art calendar – January

IMG_9055wow.. i can’t believe it is January 1st already.

the year went very very fast.

i have done a lot in 2013 and i know this by looking back at my calendar because you see i actually did write something each and every day!!

sometimes one word sometimes not enough room to write it all.

it has been a year for sure… we travelled, we explored, we played, we lost, we gained, we left jobs and started new. we’ve loved, laughed and cried but we did it all together.

i am so glad i started in January 2013 playing along with Kate doing the calendar challenge. i has made me appreciate even MORE what i have. so here is to the beginning of another year long challenge..
my January 2014 using a lot of gesso for texture, i used gelatos for colour, tim’s snow man covered in glitter and one of my newest stencils designed by Mary Beth Shaw for those of us in the Stencil Girl Club


i actually started a video on the creation of this page. hopefully i will master how to edit before the end of this year and will be able to share how i do what i do as i do it!!!

i wish you Enough ____ today!






2 responses to “art calendar – January”

  1. Ricki LeBlanc Avatar
    Ricki LeBlanc

    Love the frigid blue colours of this month’s calendar page. Lovely work, as usual, Diana!

  2. Cath Sheard Avatar

    What a great idea the calender is – I think I might give it a try. It’s so easy to lose sight of all that happens in our lives. I got here via cjs14; it’s nice to meet you and see your artwork.

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