home but still there!!

well we have arrived home safe and sound but our minds and thoughts and beings are still in  Fort Lauderdale.

it has to have been my best vacation ever. it truly was paradise. i am counting down the days and figuring out the nail polish colour until next april arrives. next time.. two weeks i will be there for for sure.

i did manage to work on some art journal pages and will post them all as soon as i remember to take pictures during the day light hours.

tomorrow i am unpacking my art journalling supplies which of course consist of nothing but Ranger products mainly including Ms. Dyan’s Dylusions by Ranger.
i have a bit more doodling to do on a few, need to add a couple of dates and that will be that. i really just wanted to pop on and let folks know, if anyone still reads this, that i have arrived home safe and sound

til next time…






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