Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Playing with Color Blends!

    Playing with Color Blends!

    hello everyone! so today i wanted to share with you another quick little project i created using Eileen’s Wrapped Journal from Book Club 2 collection and paints ColorBox blends from  Clearsnap!  the entire Inspiration Team are sharing journals all month long and you can see them all HERE. i wanted to make an splashy type…

  • dream a little dream

    dream a little dream

    hello everyone! today I am here to share with you an ever so quick and easy art journal page.. one of those pages that you just start and finish I under 30 minutes (minus the drying time of texture paste or by leaving it until the very very last!) I started out by laying some…

  • out of the dark comes light

    out of the dark comes light

    hello everyone! today I am sharing with you a quick project I created to try and express some of the feelings the month of May had given me. the area I lived in had a major flood this spring and it was truly overwhelming. my beautiful little studio went from being a safe haven for…

  • Book Club two release

    Book Club two release

    hello everyone! today I am here to share with you another one of my wrapped albums. these things truly are so addictive. I have never made so many albums in my life! Please note that although i have received some of the products used to create this project from some great companies, the opinions I share…

  • Mixed Media Monthly – paint your truth

    Mixed Media Monthly – paint your truth

    hello everyone!! I can’t believe this is going to be my last post for this team. I have so enjoyed being inspired by all these great ladies and by meeting all the new folks out there that I otherwise probably wouldn’t have. so for my final post I decided that I needed to create a…

Got any book recommendations?

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