Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Sizzix paper leather sign

    Sizzix paper leather sign

    hello everyone today i am her just to show you quickly the other side of my  ‘Welcome’ sign I created for my studio I once again used the Sizzix Paper Leather sheets. yes, I am addicted to them!  I cut out several of Eileen’s flowers, both from her thinlits and her steel rule dies,  ran…

  • happy April

    happy April

    hello everyone!! just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a happy April! hope your April is full of new beginnings…and living in the now! diana

  • Color Burst banner

    Color Burst banner

    hello everyone! i am here to share with you a very quick and easy banner to create for any occasion!i have made mine to hang in my new room downstairs …  if it ever gets finished!!! so to begin my project i decided to use the ATC cards as i absolutely love the weight of…

  • TTT – March 2016

    TTT – March 2016

    hello everyone just here quickly today to share with you all my version of this months Tim’s Twelve Tags – Remix 2016 i am very fortunate that i have my hands on those yummy distress crayons so was able to recreate a version of Tim’s!  i added a bit of Sizzix Paper Leather to my…

  • color burst canvas

    color burst canvas

    hello everyone!! words can not describe just how much fun the new color burst colors and liquid metals are!!!! i had started a project for a floral challenge that Ken put out there for his design team but as soon as those new colours arrived in my mail slot…well let’s just say one of my…

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