Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cherished  Layouts

    Cherished Layouts

    hello everyone!! i am here today to show you a couple of layouts i created using Ken Oliver’s Studio paper collection WAIT A MINUTE!!!! did i say layouts why yes, yes i did. before i dove headfirst into the mixed media world i, like so many others, were scrapbookers. i loved documenting moments in my life…

  • be true to you

    be true to you

    hello everyone!!  today I am here to share with you my take on the unvalentine theme for Emerald Creek Dares i started out with the intention of doing a piece with a photo of my son and i…. but quickly changed my mind as I started working through my project as you will see so…

  • TTT – January 2016

    TTT – January 2016

    hello everyone!! i am here to day to share with you my take on Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2016 – Technique Remix…  i love how he is doing it this year…revisiting tags from times gone past…. so here is my tag.. and for all the techniques do jump on over to Tim’s site! what a…

  • Color Burst – OM

    Color Burst – OM

    hello everyone!! how did you all make out keeping up with all the CHA activities this past weekend!! my favourite part i would have to say is all the periscopes going on!! it felt like i was right there!! but that is not why i am here today! today i am here to show you my…

  • Emerald Creek CHA new releases!!

    Emerald Creek CHA new releases!!

    hello everyone!!  today i am here to share with you some exciting Emerald Creek Craft news!!!! We are on our way – a new Adventure, is a lot of news rolled into a few words for  Emerald Creek Craft supplies… as i am writing this up Kim and Nicole are at CHA in booth 807!!!!…

Got any book recommendations?

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