Color Burst banner

hello everyone!

i am here to share with you a very quick and easy banner to create for any occasion!i have made mine to hang in my new room downstairs …  if it ever gets finished!!!

so to begin my project i decided to use the ATC cards as i absolutely love the weight of them when creating with color burst!  i painted on the colour that corresponds to the chakras. i then cut out 7 circles from the ATC cards

creating banner

as i had already printed out the 7 chakra symbols i wanted to be sure that they would stick to the circles i used Stick it. i just pressed the symbol onto the sheet and cut out and then pressed into the centre of my circles. it was so easy and no glue stuck to my fingers!! loved it!!

I then traced around each after they were stuck with a black udi pen

chakra banner with stick it

i then used my liquid metals and applying using a paint brush to the cardboard. once dry i sewed the edges as well as strung them together

and here you have it.. i plan on using this as a sign to ‘do not disturb’ when i am downstairs meditating!!

Colorburst Chakra

would love to hear your thoughts.. leave me a comment and let me know what you have been creating lately with your color burst!




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One response to “Color Burst banner”

  1. Anita Houston Avatar

    How fun. I don’t know anything about the symbols, but they are cool looking…fun banner, and love the circles.

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