an old year, a new year

i am not even going to pretend

it has been a great year

cause it hasn’t

yes, i am

a very lucky girl

i have a son who is my world

a wife who is my everything

and 4 friends

who make things real

i have taught a lot

and shared a lot

and learned a lot

i have ‘met’

a lot of great artist

along my way


i have felt chronic pain

most every day

i have felt stress

at my job

and i have missed my mom

i have lost a great pet

not just a pet

but a huge piece of my family

i have spent little time

with my dad

not nearly enough time

and the same for my nanny

and me

i have loved lots

and lost as well

in 2011

in 2012 i want to

learn more

love more

be more

thanks for sharing your world with me and i hope that you have felt my sharing mine with you

here is to a new chapter

in my life

in your life

may you scrap more

and be more

i want to too!

til next time…







2 responses to “an old year, a new year”

  1. Jennypooh Avatar

    My wish for you in 2012 is that you feel less chronic pain BUT when you do have it…..please don’t turn away, let us be there for you to bitch about, whine about it and vent about it. We love you and it seems to ease the pain when 6 people carry the burden, than just 1. LOVE YOU…..HAPPY NEW YEAR my dear friend:o)

  2. Alissa Avatar

    thank you for being a very important part of my life!!!!! looking forward to an amazing 2012 filled with lots of love, laughs and reals!!!

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