art journal – escape

art journalling is totally one of those activities that one does to experiment, express, create, play…. escape.

this is my latest page. i dug out some fabric i had received from a fellow scrapper earlier this year that i initially was saving for some ‘She Art’ but never did get around to using it and am i ever glad i didn’t.

last night i sat down at my table and just started playing, creating and cutting up fabric and while in my fabric drawer came across this zipper i had purchased at A PILE OF SCRAP!

the background is water colour paper painted with black paint, i used my sewing machine and stitched the zipper on glued my fabric squares onto a heart shape, used some white archival ink for the birds and my new Dylusions stamp for the side ‘stitch’ and finally my ranger white pen to out line my page.

til next time…







3 responses to “art journal – escape”

  1. Meg Avatar

    <3 <3 <3 that is beautiful!

  2. Alissa Avatar

    Oh that is super pretty!!!!!

  3. Marjie Kemper Avatar

    This is fantastic…. LOVE the full & colorful heart and the zipper. Awesome page.

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