CC102 – day 3

yuppers at it again.. i am loving Creative Chemistry 102 and all the fun old/new things we are doing.
for instance.. how many of you out there have a brayer.
for me it was a must have item way back in the day when i first started scrapbooking…. i can’t even remember why but i had to have it…and where has it been for the most part…tucked away in my drawer
so out it came today for class and here is my creation of the day
now how fun was that!! i can’t eat fortune cookies (celiac and all) but do love collecting the sayings for fun. i just knew someday i would find use for them!!

i want to play more but need to whip this place into shape. the weekend is coming and we have some family joining us for Thanksgiving dinner but rest assured i will sneak off to the art room and play!!

let me know what you think






One response to “CC102 – day 3”

  1. Donna Avatar

    Great tag! You did a fabulous job!

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