Colour Challenge

So the ladies over at APOS! challenged everyone this month with a colour combination. here is what everyone chose:
from Tams a brown, blue and cream challenge

from Michelle a brown, cream and green challenge

I love how my take turned out from this challenge
then it was Jen’s turn to challenge us and she chose the colours of yellow, blue and white..
well with the month half over we still had three more from the APOS! inspiration team to challenge us and they were
first up was Megan who challenged us to us red, teal and white
next up was Kelsey who challenged us with the colour combination of purple, black and cream..

and then last but not least was my challenge and the colours i had chosen were black, brown and cream…

I had challenged everyone to participate and the more you participated the more chances you had of winning a RAK from me!!! we had quite a few participants and a total of 18 ballots given out and through random org draw the winner of the RAK is the 4th layout/card completed and that was by…..

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VICKI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

congratulations and i will be sure to drop something off at the store for you this week!!!

til next time…







3 responses to “Colour Challenge”

  1. Nancy H. Avatar

    outstanding job on all of these layouts!!! great details and designs!

  2. Dee Dee Avatar
    Dee Dee

    what a great idea!! And such an inspirational challenge…. Bravo Girls….

  3. Pearl Maple Avatar

    Fun colour combination and like those different styles

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