mixed media meets ATB

i spent a weekend playing, creating in my studio.
i had no pressure on me to create
i had a perfect idea for an Artist Trading Block but i just couldn’t get it to turn out what i had in my mind so i just decided to play

and added another couple colours






loved where this was going so added another

IMG_1727now it was time to play a bit with my colorations after all what is a project with out sandcastle!!!

i just kept playing and adding until i was happy and then i added just a bit more!







and after all that here is what i was creating!!!

a beautiful ATB to go onto my window sill in my kitchen for no other reason than it makes me happy!








and i love to be happy








but really how can one not be happy with flowers and butterflies!

would you like the chance to win a really cool sizzix  prize…. of course you do and all you need to do is a have a bit of HEART. head on over to Art with a Heart and play along with the ‘Summer Celebrations’ theme that Eileen and the gang have going on!

if you like the idea of the blocks you so need to check out the following links to see what other wonderful things we have going on. we are everywhere so do give us a like and spread the word!!!

The Artists on the Block  –  http://theartistsontheblock.com/The

ATB Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/TheArtistsOnTheBlock

The ATB Twitter- https://twitter.com/ArtTheBlock

The ATB Pinterest- http://www.pinterest.com/PluckingDaisies/the-artists-on-the-block/

til next time!!!





2 responses to “mixed media meets ATB”

  1. […] Mixed Media Artist Trading Block by Diana Hetherington  is gorgeous inside and out!  Diana has packed  a whole bunch of mixed media techniques and […]

  2. Oxana Avatar

    Diana I love your creative style ^.^ You always inspire me with your amazing projects !

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